Unknown F16 planes

At the dawn of the day, Ethiopia woke up on the whirling of unknown planes that raided the Al Nahda dam, which is still under construction, where heavy and precision strikes were directed at the body of the dam. The concrete materials used to build the body of the dam, which Ethiopia was racing to achieve, were destroyed.
Ethiopia immediately accused Cairo of being behind the air strike that hit the Al-Nahda Dam because it was the only beneficiary of the dam's suspension after 10 rounds of tripartite talks between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia over the dam failed.
Addis Ababa, for its part, filed a formal complaint against Egypt in the Security Council and stressed that it would not stand idly by on the aggression on its territory and that it would respond strongly in a timely manner.
Al Jazeera Qatar felt that the time had come to finish off Egypt and insist on its project, which it has supported and financed and spent generously for 10 years. It allocated all the time to broadcast the attack on Egypt and it is the aggressor and will expand the hosting of the Nhan group to serve its goals.
The channel will publish video clips of aircraft that strike the tanks and missiles in the mountains of Afghanistan and are not clear to confirm that the Egyptian aircraft during the strike of the Renaissance.
The UN Security Council has announced that it will convene an emergency session tomorrow to discuss the attack on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the repercussions of this on the situation in Africa and the Nile Basin countries.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed his deep concern at the arrival of relations between African countries to the extent that the international body will not allow the escalation of things in this vital region of the world.
Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam and all European capitals have expressed shock and concern at the occurrence of this unjustified attack and expressed concern about resorting to force to resolve differences.
The White House has expressed its deep concern over the arrival of relations between African countries, calling for the need for a greater mind on political behavior and Obama stresses that it will not allow to disturb the world peace situation.
Israel deplores air strikes on al-Nahda dam and offers Addis Ababa technical, financial and logistical assistance and urges the UN Security Council to quickly end the discussions on the crisis and punish the culprit and cause of the crisis.
China strongly rejects the attack on the dam facilities and considers that this aggression could ignite the region and adversely affect global investment in the African continent.
Moscow condemns the aggression on Ethiopia and demands to wait to see who is responsible for directing air strikes and not rush to launch charges so as not to ignite the world.
Khartoum announces its rejection of the aggression on Ethiopia and the Sudanese president hints at the possibility of Egypt's strike this flash and demands the United Nations quickly to put a solution to the crisis and punish those responsible for the strike.
All the capitals of the Gulf strongly condemns the aggression against Ethiopia and demands respect for the lands of States and their development decisions within their borders.
ElBaradei chants: "Fascists attack peaceful nations", a summit of humiliation, and stresses that it is an attempt to distract the people from a cause that keeps it away from its basic problems of freedom, democracy and the renunciation of fascist military rule.
The Electronic Brotherhood Battalions start an unprecedented activity and accuse Egypt of attacking Al Nahda Dam because of the failure of the Sisi regime in their view to reach a negotiated solution and harnessing all its media arms in Egypt and abroad to heat up and push towards the Egyptian planes that hit Ethiopia. Show its strength to draw attention away from the internal problems suffered by the people and if President Mohamed Morsi's cat is present, it is not so far, and he was capable of his extraordinary intelligence to persuade Ethiopia to stop building the dam.
The Egyptian media will continue its bad performance, and some of them will be cheered for the air strike that was directed to the buildings of Al-Nahda Dam to the extent that it will convince some inside and outside that Egypt carried out a lightning strike of the dam and all the aircraft returned to their bases intact.
Ahmed Mousa Show videos of the process of beating the Dam of the Renaissance is a video game Jim and confirms to everyone that he got the video from his own sources and he is unique in publishing the video ..
This is a simple summary of what might happen if Israeli or US aircraft launched from an aircraft carrier stationed in the Indian Ocean deliberately strike the renaissance in order to uproot Yin Egypt and Ethiopia and charge Egypt for imposing sanctions and exert more pressure or attempt to intervene in its affairs after If America, all the European countries, Turkey, Qatar and Israel failed to achieve any success for its destructive plot against Egypt, despite the billions spent to break up Egypt, all their dreams turned into nightmares and their efforts failed, and only disappointed them